Digital Strategy and Transformation for the Arts

Süreyya Wille is a consultant working at the nexus of technology and art. With more than eighteen years experience in sales and strategy, Süreyya’s expertise allows her to challenge the status quo, helping clients pursue and implement digital transformations and cutting-edge innovation.

Her clients include galleries, institutions, artists, collectors, and private firms (including start-ups and small businesses).

Services (/'sərvəs/), n.See below

assess (/ə'ses/), v. and assist (/ə'sist/), v. • clients with sales blueprints, product launches, and strategic partnerships

build (/bild/), v. • synergies to cultivate new revenue streams

create (/krē'āt/), v. • digital operating procedures for clients to better engage their audiences

identify (/ī'den(t)ə,fī/), v. • opportunities to improve clients’ online presence and visibility

leverage (/'lev(ə)rij,'lēv(ə)rij/), v. • digital tools to improve how we experience and share art online